- August 15, 2023, Oscar Anderson, Darla Aslan, Katelyn Chow, Sava Iliev, Tia Sneineh, and Ethan Thomas from the “Science Internship Program” at UCSC gave their final presentations about their research results this summer! Good job!

- In July 2023, the Yan lab was awarded the FuSe-TG (Future of Semiconductors- Teaming Grant). Check out the research team and project abstract.
- March 7, 2023, Hem gave a presentation at the APS March Meeting held in Las Vegas! The presentation is entitled “Structural characterization of few-layer chromium trihalides using 4D-STEM“. Good job, Hem!
- March 6, 2023, Carlos gave a presentation at the APS March Meeting held in Las Vegas! The presentation is entitled “STM study of point defects in two-dimensional CVD-grown semiconductor devices“. Good job, Carlos!
- July 29th, 2022, Hem passed the qualifying exam and officially became a PhD candidate in Physics! Fantastic job and congratulations, Hem!
- April 5, 2022, Prof. Yan is awarded 2022 Hellman Fellowship. Congratulations! The list of award winners of year 2022 Hellman Fellowship can be found here.
- March 16, 2022, Hem gave a presentation at the APS March Meeting held in Chicago- first in-person APS March Meeting in two years! The presentation is entitled “In-situ TEM study of 2D-MoS2 FET“. Good job, Hem!
- August 13, 2021, the REU student David Zeitz gave a presentation entitled “Molten-Salt-Assisted Synthesis of Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Chemical Vapor Deposition” at the “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Sustainable Materials” symposium. Good job, David!
- June 21, 2021, another year of “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Sustainable Materials” at UCSC begins! David Zeitz from Humboldt State University joined our group to work on “Synthesis of Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Chemical Vapor Deposition”.
- October 1, 2020, a new postdoctoral scholar– Dr. Koichi Tanaka joined the Yan group! Welcome!
- August 15, 2020, Lindsay Ball, Julia Deffner, Mabel Lu (from the “Science Internship Program” at UCSC) and Karel Roos (from the “REU in Sustainable Materials” program at UCSC) gave their final presentation about their research results this summer! Good job!
- July 6, 2020 “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Sustainable Materials” at UCSC takes place again for year 2020! Karel Roos, welcome to the group as a REU scholar this summer!
- June 22, 2020, the Yan group starts to host three high school students–Lindsay Ball, Julia Deffner, and Mabel Lu from the “Science Internship Program (SIP)” at UCSC for the summer. Ashlyn Molyneaux– an undergraduate student in the Yan group is the student mentor for the team. Enjoy your remote experience of lab work this summer!
- December 10 2019, Prof. Yan got the 2019-20 New Faculty Research Grant (NFRG) provided by the Chancellor’s Office at UCSC!
- August 16 2019, Belinda Zhen – an undergraduate student member from the Yan lab, presented a poster entitled “AFM and TEM Characterization of Graphene-Encapsulated CrCl3” at the UCSC STEM Diversity Summer Research Symposium! Her poster focused on her work accomplished over the summer in the Yan lab, with the financial support from the program of “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Sustainable Materials” at UCSC.
- July 1st 2019, Prof. Yan starts her group at UCSC Physics Department!